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Helen Giangreco, z”l, passed away May 21, 2022, at age 99. The funeral will take place this Sunday, May 29, at 11 am at Neveh Zedek Cemetery 7925 SW Canyon Lane, Portland.Ĭongregation Neveh Shalom extends its deepest condolences to the extended Eastern family. He served and enriched our Jewish community in so many capacities, including as board chair of Cedar Sinai Park. Stan was a pillar of the community, leading with heart, humor and keen common sense. The beloved patriarch of the Eastern family passed away at Robison Jewish Health Center/Harold Schnitzer Center for Living.

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He was preceded in death by his siblings, Sam Eastern, z'l, Joe Eastern, z'l, Shirley Sidis, z'l, and Evelyn Blaut, z'l. He is loved by his wife, Bev Eastern his daughters, Michelle Gradow (Steve), Lesley Taub (Howard) and Susan Eastern  his grandchildren, Jamie, Shelby, Lily Taub and Mallory Gradow.

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Stan Eastern, z”l, passed away May 26, 2022.

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